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What we can do to help our planet

We all know that quarantining and COVID-19 in general have driven us crazy... literally. But what we should also know is that this situation has also driven the environment crazy: more and more plastics, single-use paper, and other materials are being used instead of more sustainable options.

We totally get it: safety is our number one priority. However, there are numerous other things that we can do to make us all the better by protecting our environment.

How, you ask?

It's simple. Here are some quick tips you can use to make the environment better for everyone:

  1. Go to a zero-waste grocery store if they are near you!

  2. Binging on coffee? Visit an eco-friendly café!

  3. If you aren't in a crowded environment, wear a reusable mask!

  4. If you are in crowded spaces, make sure to protect yourself first with a reusable mask with switchable filters; the spread of COVID-19 will only make matters worse for the environment.

  5. Getting takeout? Bring your own utensils!

Got any other advice? Include them in the comment section below!

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